IS 101 مقدمة عن تقنية المعلومات (لتخصصات إدارة الاعمال)
Credits: 2 (2,0,1) * For non-IS and CS majors
This course examines computers and information technology and their applications in society. Topics covered include database applications and implications, telecommunications and networking, artificial intelligence, graphics, hypermedia, and multimedia. An outlook on computers current and future impacts on individuals, business, and society as a whole are discussed and students are introduced to simple Web page design and development tools.
IS 201 مقدمة عن نظم المعلومات
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisites: BUS 101,CS101
This course presents an overview of information systems including the introduction to systems,
development concepts, information technology, and application software. The major role of
information systems (IS) is to support organizational personnel, regardless of their functional
area or level in the organization. The main focus of this course is not merely learning the
concepts of IS but the learning of the competitive advantage, timelines, and improvement in
quality which information technology provides. The theory is complemented by practical work
aimed at gaining basic proficiency with different types of widely used application software.
IS 205 إدارة عمليات الاعمال
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: IS201
This course introduces the key concepts and approaches to business process management and
improvement. The focus is on understanding and designing business processes. Students learn how
to identify, document, model, assess, and improve core business processes. Process design
principles are introduced and the ways information technology can be used to manage, transform,
and improve business processes are discussed. Students are exposed to challenges and approaches
to organizational change, domestic and offshore outsourcing, and inter-organizational processes.
IS 231 تحليل وتصميم الأنظمة
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 201, CS 210
This course provides an overview of requirements engineering and system analysis using the
object-oriented paradigm with an emphasis on the models provided by the Unified Modeling
Language (UML). Topics include the structured approach to systems analysis and design;
foundations and elements of the object-oriented approach; approaches to identifying classes and
objects, requirements and system modeling using UML diagrams relevant for the analysis phase;
system design concepts, introducing various architectural design approaches, and object-oriented
design methodology. Students work on a team project that requires designing a system and making
use of the available CASE tools such as Rational Software.
IS 241 إدارة قواعد البيانات والتطبيقات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 201, CS 210
This course introduces relational database management systems. Concepts and items centering on
databases include approach, system components, views, environment, and development process. The
course has a strong practical component where students apply what they learn using the
Entity-Enhanced Relation (EER) models, relational algebra and SQL programming language as they
work on their team projects.
IS 311 تطوير الشبكات
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisite: IS 241
This course covers the major aspects of web programming and development. It starts with a short introduction on the web architecture and underlying technologies, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript (Client Side Dynamic Content). The course then proceeds to cover Server Side Web Application Development in depth, including the multi-tier development model (data tier, business tier, presentation tier), web database development, authentication, and navigation.
IS 321 الهندسة المعمارية للمؤسسات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 205
This course explores the design, selection, implementation, and management of enterprise IT solutions. The focus is on applications and infrastructure and their fit with the business, specifically Services and Service Oriented Architectures. Students learn frameworks and strategies for infrastructure management, system administration, data/information architecture, content management, services computing, middleware, legacy system integration, system consolidation, software selection, the total cost of ownership calculation, IT investment analysis, and emerging technologies such as services and agents.
IS 336 تصميم واجهة المستخدم وتطويرها
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 231
The course introduces the principles, theories, methods, techniques, patterns, and processes
behind a professional user interface design, prototyping, implementation, and evaluation. The
topics covered in the course include: cognitive and perceptual constraints that affect user
interface design, technologies used in user interface development, software architecture of
graphical user interfaces (GUI), interface design methods, user-centered design, mobile and
tablet design, interaction and navigation techniques, evaluation and testing, and interface
usability evaluation. The practical part of the course is supported by lab sessions and uses GUI
Tools for rapid prototyping of new style interfaces such as the “Metro Style”.
IS 344 تخزين البيانات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: IS 241
This course presents an overview of data warehousing. Topics include: data warehouse concept –
definitions, evolutions, trends, and applications; developing a data warehouse – planning,
designing, developing, implementing, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP); data warehouse –
architectures, data access methods and data mining techniques; administering a data warehouse,
and the role of data warehouses in organizations.
IS 351 إدارة التكوين وضمان الجودة
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: IS 251
This course covers main aspects of process and product quality assurance. Process quality
assurance is covered under software configuration management (SCM) and product quality assurance
is covered under dynamic and static testing. The course presents testing strategy, software
reviews, and testing methods. In addition, it covers SCM as a related process and SCM functional
areas of source code management, builds engineering, environment configuration, changes control,
releases engineering and deployment are explained. After completion of this course, students
will be able to prescribe testing and configuration management techniques for any kind of IT
IS 361 إدارة المشاريع
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 241
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills they need for planning, scheduling,
monitoring, and controlling the process of developing information systems. Topics covered
include project management concepts, project planning, risk analysis, WBS and task analysis,
time scheduling, PERT and GANTT charts, project effort and cost estimation techniques, resources
allocation, project tracking and monitoring, and process management methodologies.
IS 362 نظم المعلومات المتكاملة
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisite: IS 241
This course introduces students to the enterprise resource planning (ERP) approach and how
various business processes are integrated and how information systems can support this
integration. Topics covered include business processes, functional information systems
(financial, marketing, production, resources, inventory, and decision-making), models, frames,
the technology used for integration, business integration, business processes, systems
integration, enterprise resource planning systems and the role of real-time information in
business management. Hands-on experience with enterprise systems, such as SAP R/3.
IS 371 التحليل الكمي
Credit: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS285, IS241
This course introduces fundamental quantitative methods used to analyze and solve various models
of business problems. The course presents a set of fundamental theories and concepts including
probability theory, time series, mathematical programming, and Markov processes. Such tools are
then used model and solve a variety of business problems in finance, transportation, inventory
management, etc. The course aims to equip the student with the necessary knowledge and skills
allowing them to perform quantitative analysis to solve some business models including
forecasting, distribution, transportation, and inventory models. After completing this course,
students are expected to use software tools to solve these common management problems as well as
constrained optimization problems. Students will gain some experience in applying these
quantitative tools to real-world problems.
IS 372 نظم معلومات الرعاية الصحية
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: IS 241
The course surveys the health-care information systems and applications. Items and topics
examined include definitions, evolutions, trends, applications, computerized patient records,
medical decision support systems, clinical information systems, Internet-based medical decision
support systems, and computer-based training for health professionals.
IS 433 تطوير نظم المعلومات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: IS 231
This course is essentially practical in nature. Students are given opportunities to design and
construct an operational information system for a real-life application using a unified
development process (e.g. RUP: Rational Unified Process), using an object-oriented programming
environment, and using the necessary development CASE tools. Guided by the instructor, students
work in teams to complete a major development project applying previously learned knowledge in
other courses. The projects are presented in class using demonstration and presentation tools.
IS 434 اختبار النظام وضمان الجودة
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 231
This course is designed to give an understanding of the key concepts and principles in creating
and managing successful software testing to meet specific requirements using best practices of
software quality assurance. Topics covered include software quality assurance, testing process,
test design & coverage techniques and testing strategy. Best practice strategies in
object-oriented software testing and web application are also discussed. An overview of test
automation methods and tools is also covered.
IS 442 أنظمة استرجاع المعلومات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 241, STAT 101
This course looks at traditional and web-based information retrieval (IR) techniques. Items
covered include IR concepts, basic IR models, vector-space retrieval, textual document
tokenization, indexing, organization, and classification, stemming, statistical text
representation, text categorization and clustering, query languages, and web search techniques.
IS 446 اكتشاف المعرفة واستخراج البيانات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 241, STAT 101
This course introduces students to the fundamental techniques and practical tools used for
transforming corporate data into business intelligence. Topics covered include: terminology,
importance, techniques, such as: Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems, artificial neural
networks (ANN), rule-based systems (RBS), fuzzy logic (FL), machine learning (ML),
classification trees, classification and regression trees (CART Algorithm), and applications.
IS 448 الحوسبة السحابية وتحليلات البيانات الضخمة
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 371
This course has a mainly practical approach dealing with the related technologies to the creation of Big Data Analytics applications on the Cloud. The students will learn the principles and the state of the art of large-scale distributed computing in a service-based model. Students will study how scale affects system properties, models, architecture, and requirements. Regarding principles, this course looks at how scale affects systems properties, issues (such as virtualization, availability, locality, performance, and adaptation), system models, architectural models, environment and application requirements (such as fault tolerance, content distribution). In the laboratory sessions of this course, the students will gain a practical view of the latest in Cloud technology to implement a prototype that meets a business idea created by a student. The students will begin by building an essential toolbox to get started in the Cloud. They will later have to practice with APIs, the doors in the Cloud.
IS 461 الابتكارات والتقنيات
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisites: IS 241
This course discusses innovative technologies and examines how some of them have fundamentally
reshaped modern organizations and societies. To better appreciate this, the technologies,
methods, and practices of developing new innovations are investigated and critiqued. The
objective of the course is to showcase how innovative ways to communicate and collaborate lead
to new efficiencies and business opportunities.
IS463 علم البيانات التطبيقي
Credits:3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 241, STAT 101
Modern organizations deal with huge amount of complex multisource data that may contain useful evidence. The decision makers may face real problems to analyze such data to come out with accurate decisions. Therefore, applied data sciences are there to help leaders analyze the data and extract valuable indicators for decision-making purposes. This course provides the students with the essential knowledge, as well as, the practical skills of applied data sciences to be used in various business domains; and it will incorporate the statistical skills, programming skills such as Python, and machine-learning algorithms, to enhance the hands-on skills of students.
IS464 التمويل الحسابي
Credits:3(3,1,0) Prerequisites: ACC 101, FIN 301
This is an applied course where students apply their computational knowledge and skills to build and solve non-trivial financial models and systems. The course is project-based and addresses real-life problems in finance. Models and problems are covered case by case. After covering the theoretical components, students proceed to analyze, design and implement the solutions.
IS470 استدامة نظم المعلومات
Credits:3(3,1,0) Prerequisites: IS 361
Environmental, economic, and societal challenges are affecting the sustainability of many communities around the globe. Information systems are also affected with these factors. Thus, one of the organizations’ concerns is considering the sustainability. This course introduces students to the sustainability fundamentals in information systems. It includes topics on Green IS, Smart Cities, and the Information Economy. The course helps the students to explore and evaluate different issues related to green IS solutions through case-based scenarios and to propose proper solutions for these issues.
IS 472 دعم القرار والأنظمة الذكية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 231, BUS 101
This course surveys knowledge-based and expert systems and their uses as organizational
decision-making tools. Topics covered include: decision theory, organizational systems,
unstructured problem solving, modeling techniques such as linear programming, forecasting, and,
simulation, system construction, fundamental techniques for developing knowledge-based or expert
decision support systems, inference engines, knowledge engineering, knowledge acquisition,
rule-based systems, group decision support systems, executive information systems.
IS 474 نمذجة العمليات التجارية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: IS 231
The course explores both the theory and practice of business process modeling (BPM). It begins
by providing an initial foundation of knowledge on the elements of the business process. This is
followed by discussions of the elements and aspects of building BPM models: notation, context
diagrams, data flow, verification, and validation. Extensive examples of business process models
from real-life situations - complemented by tips and techniques - are integrated into the course
to stimulate and provoke thought about the functionality and improvements of BPMs.
IS 478 أمن نظم المعلومات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS330,CS331
The course aims to provide the knowledge of the basic principles of computer security, focusing
on system elements. This course provides students with the necessary level of skills and
knowledge in the areas of information security that they will need to function within an
organization. The focus is to review concepts, theory, methodologies and techniques
incorporating industry standards and practices with a focus on confidentiality, availability,
and integrity aspects of information systems discussed in the IS security literature and current
practice. Students will undertake case studies exercises using the University's computing
facilities and laboratories to provide them with a better understanding of computerized security
techniques used in practice. The course covers fundamentals of authentication, and encryption
technologies in a networked environment, in particular in the wide-area internet environment.
The main emphasis of the course is the management of information systems security efforts.
IS 487 موضوعات ناشئة في نظم المعلومات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
This course covers topics that recently gained attention in information systems. All computing fields are very dynamic and from time to time, some new technologies and even disciplines pop up.
IS 489 موضوعات مختارة في نظم المعلومات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
This course covers topics in the information systems discipline, which are not covered by other
information systems courses. The students are encouraged to propose topics for this course.
IS 490 التدريب في نظم المعلومات
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: Advisor consent
Students spend 2 months (around 300 working hours) in an approved company or institute.
Students, with assistance from the Co-Op Office and CS Departmental approval, find internships.
IS 492 التدريب التعاوني
Credits: 10 Prerequisite: Department consent
The Co-Op is a career related professional program available to all Computer Science students.
It is designed to help students build on skills already learned in the classroom and acquire new
ones as well. Co-Op education is available to CCIS students who have accumulated the requisite
number or more credits. The Co-Op option counts for 10 credit hours (CRs) for practical onsite
experience over a 7 month period, i.e. spanning one semester and a summer.
IS 494 ذو صلة بالصناعة
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: Departmental Consent
This elective course follows a pre-planned program administered by the university / department.
It involves spending a specified period of time in several local – and possibly outside –
computing institutions and companies and/or enrolling in their orientation programs.
IS 498 مشروع التخرج الاول
Credits: 1 Prerequisite: Instructor consent + completion of 90 credit hours
This is an information system application development project applying previously learned
concepts and methods, substantial and suitable in nature under the supervision of a faculty
member. The senior project consists of a sequence of two courses: IS 498 and IS 499. In IS 498,
the student is typically expected to study a problem, analyze and determine the requirements,
and design the solution for a system to be developed in an information system environment or a
Business programming environment.
IS 499 مشروع التخرج الثاني
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: IS 498
This course is a continuation of IS 498. The student is expected to carry the management
information system application construction, integration, testing, evaluation and tuning,
delivery, and user training.
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisites: IS 241
The primary objective of this course is to introduce concepts, tools and approaches to electronic business. Further, the subject will help the students to develop skills to manage businesses in the digital world. The course will cover the foundations of E-Business systems and infrastructure required to set up an E-business. In addition, the course will focus on the functional areas enabled by E-Business such as Value Chain, ERP and SCM highlighting the significance of CRM and business intelligence in E-Business Systems. The course provides a balanced approach including concepts from technology and management. Hands-on experience with enterprise systems, such as SAP S/4 Hana, is an integral element of the course.
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: BCE409, MKT301
The focus of this course is on the business and marketing aspects of e-Commerce systems. The course starts with an overview of the business strategies, planning, and logistics for setting up an e-Commerce system. After that, the course discusses strategic marketing analysis, marketing planning, and the complexities of marketing decisions. An important component of the course considers the utilization of Search Engines and Internet Marketing.
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisites: BCE 409 , MKT 301
The course will teach students to use Mockshop and a virtual 3D store modeling software package, to conceptualize and design store interior, layout, fixtures, lighting, signs, merchandising planograms. Students will learn in deep on understanding of visual merchandising concepts, theories, planning, strategies, techniques, store image, and target market. At the end of the course, students will be implementing the Virtual retail store.
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisites: BCE 409
This course examines entrepreneurial strategies for emerging ventures, growing ventures, sustainable growth in established ventures. The object of this progression is to acquaint students with the concepts and contexts of building new businesses, their relevance and application to organizations in today’s economy; the formulation and application of new business strategies for both Independent startups and new ventures within existing organizations; and achieving innovation in existing established organizations through entrepreneurial strategies.
BCE 483 Business Intelligence and Analytics
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisite: BCE409, IS371
An organization must constantly monitor, recognize and understand every aspect and every issue of its operations, its industry and the overall business environment, to successfully compete in today’s global business environment. This course focuses on business intelligence – an information technology approach to data collection and data analysis to support a wide variety of management tasks, from performance evaluation to trend spotting and policy making. Students learn analytical components and technologies used to create dashboards and scorecards, data/text/Web mining methods for trend and sentiment analysis, and artificial intelligence techniques used to develop intelligent systems for decision support. Students will learn participate in this course through class discussions, project preparation and presentation, and visual tool utilization.
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisites: Junior Level
This course is designed to provide the deeper understanding of modern information and system protection technology and methods to students. The course provides an overview and understanding of established cybersecurity strategies and offers students the opportunity to engage in strategic decision making in the context of cybersecurity.
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CYS 401
This course covers the concepts of software assurance and the fundamentals of the secure software lifecycle as it relates to software development. The course will discuss the secure software development lifecycle phase by phase establishing and discussing best practices in these phases. Students will experience the secure software lifecycle process by developing concrete artifacts and practicing in a lab environment.
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisites: CYS 401
This course will focus on establishing the balance between business use and safeguard policies. It will concentrate on preparation of Security policies as well as implementing and assessing them based on business process. This course extends to focus on auditing, governance, internal controls, and standards contained within policy frameworks. It will look at processes to evaluate risks (Risk Assessment) based on current legislation, practices, and techniques.
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites:CS 331 and CYS 401
This course provides an introduction to security issues relating to various cyber-physical. The
goal is to expose students to fundamental security primitives specific to cyber-physical systems
and to apply them to a broad range of current and future security challenges. Students will work with various tools and techniques used by attacker to compromise computer systems, smart technologies, IoT devices, and embedded systems or otherwise interfere with normal operations. This course will offer insights from cutting edge applied research about the strategies and techniques that can be implemented to protect against cyber-attacks.
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS331 and CYS401
This course covers the study of techniques used by hackers to break into an organization. It gives students the necessary tools to have a hacker mind-set in order to protect network against future attacks. It gives an introduction to the principles and techniques associated with cybersecurity practice known as penetration testing or ethical hacking. This course illustrates the differences between ethical and unethical penetration testing, describes and explains the phases of a penetration test including planning, reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, post- exploitation, and result reporting. Students will be able to apply different tools and methods to
conduct penetration tests for the purpose of discovering how system vulnerabilities can be exploited and learn to avoid such problems.