Computer Science Department

The Computer Science department is part of the College of Computer and Information Sciences at Prince Sultan University. The department was established at the onset of the academic career of the university in 1999. Currently the department offers programs of study at both graduate and under-graduate level.
Over 300 students are currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in CS program for the academic year 2021-22. Over 900 students have graduated with degrees in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science or Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering to date.
As part of the university mandate, all students registered in the programs have to complete a 7 month CO-OP period. Senior students, towards the end of their academic career are placed in industry to complete the training. Most of these students gain valuable experience and obtain professional certifications from internationally recognized organizations.
Having graduated over 900 students in the past decades, the department has a strong alumnus body. Alumni keep in touch with the department and provide useful feedback to improve the programs taught at the department.
Many of our graduates pursue further studies in top ranked universities around the globe. Some of these graduates have completed PhD and master programs and joined the local industry or continued in academia.
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program is fully accredited by the National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment (NCAAA). The department successfully received its full ABET accreditation for Bachelor of Science in CS program on 28th August 2020.
The department consists of faculty members who are active in research. Every year, many research works by these esteemed faculty members are published in ISI and Scopus indexed journals. The department also organizes and participates in various conferences and symposia every year. Through university grants, three excellent research labs have been established focusing research in Robotics, Internet-of-Things, Cyber-Security and Machine-Learning. The department has also acquired over 10 million Saudi Riyals funding from government and industrial partnerships through King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education and various local industries.