Vice-Dean's Message

The College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) at Prince Sultan University (PSU) houses the University’s Preparatory Year Program that helps students build their language abilities since the University uses English as its teaching medium and acts as a bridge between high school and university life. At the College level, there are three departments available: the Linguistics & Translation Department, the Mathematics & Sciences Department, and the General Studies Department.
These three departments deliver courses and conduct research in a wide variety of humanities and science subjects. We are home to more than 200 faculty members and cater to all students on campus via offering the university requirements and electives.
Each higher education institution will prepare you for your career path, but the best ones will prepare you for whatever life brings. In PSU’s College of Humanities and Sciences, we strive to nurture our student’s intellectual curiosity and passion, preparing them for their future lives.
Lastly, I believe that education is the vehicle that will lead us to the future, for it expands our thoughts which will allow for the world to progress. Our College of Humanities and Sciences’ mission is to help our students achieve successful careers upon completing their degrees. We encourage them to prepare for their future endeavors by taking their education seriously and proactively achieving their goals. In addition, the faculty members are committed to improving the quality of education by holding workshops, seminars, attending conferences, publishing papers, and linking theory to practice in the classroom. Our link with employers helps us develop our curriculum and provide our students with the courses and training upon graduation. The COOP program allows the students to interact with their prospective employers by utilizing what they have studied at the University and putting it into practice. Therefore, I foresee the College of Humanities and Sciences graduates becoming leaders in their different fields of study.
Dr. Elham Dannoun
1. Dr. Elham Dannoun: 011-494 8230
2. Ms. Aljohara Alsaif: 011-494 8814