As a participant in the academic mission of the Prince Sultan University -the Department of Interior Design is committed to producing a distinctive class of high- quality young professionals in the various fields of design work. The Department is committed to fostering intellectual excellence, emphasizing knowledge that is relevant to design (hand-drafting skills and technological computer CAD skills in designing). These young women graduates possess a sound academic background in the fundamental and necessary skills of interior design and thus are fully equipped to deal with the challenges of design projects in the real world and the jobs that await them in commercial, hospitality and residential design firms.
The Interior Design program was developed taking into account the needs of the local community and the increasing demands of professional and university-educate interior designers. In addition, the content and structure of well-known and accredited programs at prominent universities are taken into consideration along with the recommendations of leading international bodies. This enables program graduates to obtain the necessary professional skills that embark on successful industrial careers and/or pursue higher education in Interior Design.