International Distinguished Scholars Seminar Series
The Accounting Department of the College of Business Administration of Price Sultan University aims to create an innovative, responsive, and sustainable academic environment through market-driven accounting education and high-impact research. Academic scholars are committed to showcasing excellence in research and scholarship by producing world- class journal articles, books, and book chapters in their specialization. To promote excellence in research, the Department introduced the International Distinguished Scholars Seminar Series in 2022.
We invite scholars from world-class universities to share their research and scholarship activities with our faculty.
Previous Presentations

4th International Distinguished Scholars Seminar Series
Presenter: Prof Trevor Hopper – Emeritus Professor, University of Sussex Title: Sorting the Wood from the Trees: Social Construction of Corruption in a Forestry Department Date and time: 30 March 2022, 1.00–2.00 pm (Riyadh time)
5th International Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series
Presenter: Distinguished Professor Lee Parker, RMIT University, Australia and the University of Glasgow, UK & Founding Joint Editor: Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal Title: "The office as a site of management control: historical representation through the medium of film." Date: Tuesday, 12 April 2022 Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (GMT+3) Venue: Zoom

6th International Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series
Presenter: Prof. Giuseppe Grossi, Nord University (Norway) and Kristianstad University (Sweden) & Editor in Chief: Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management Title: "GETTING VALUE FROM PUBLIC SECTOR AUDITING IN THE AGE OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION" Date: Wednesday, 19/10/2022, from 12.00 – 1.00 pm (Riyadh time).

7th International Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series
Presenter: Prof. Kabir Hassan, Professor of Finance, University of University of New Orleans (USA) Title: "Digital financial inclusion and bank stability nexus: Synergies or trade-offs?" Date: Monday 16 January 2023; Time from 12.00 – 1.00 pm (Riyadh time).

8th International distinguished Scholar seminar series
Presenter: Prof. Cameron Graham, Professor of Accounting, York University, Toronto, Kanada Topic: The dissipation of corporate accountability: Deaths of the elderly in for-profit care homes during the coronavirus pandemic. Date and time: 8 February 2023, 4.00–5.00 pm (Riyadh time)

9th International distinguished Scholar seminar series
Presenter: Prof. Anatoli Bourmistrov, Professor of Management Accounting, Nord University Business School (Norway) Title: "Beyond Budgeting in the Public Sector: Missed opportunities or mission impossible?" Date and time: 1 March 2023 from 12.00–1.00 pm Riyadh time.

10th International distinguished Scholar seminar series
Presenter: Prof. Ileana Steccolini, Professor of Accounting, University of Essex (UK) Title: "Translating, Resisting or Escalating Austerity programs? The role of accounting between Centrally-imposed Programs and Local responses". Date and time: 9 May 2023 from 12.00–1.00 pm (Riyadh time).

11th International distinguished Scholar seminar series
Presenter: Prof. Thomas Cuckston, Professor of Accounting and Ecology, University of Birmingham, UK Title: "Fluid flows and watery cascades in achieving calculability for grand challenges." Date and time: 4 December 2023 from 12.10–1.00 pm (Riyadh time)

12th International distinguished Scholar seminar series
Presenter: Prof. Enrico Bracci, Professore Ordinario di Economia Aziendale, University of Ferrara, Italy Title: "The accounting absence: explaining the persistence of Mafia-related networks in municipalities." Date and time: 24 January 2024 from 12.00–1.00 pm Riyadh time
To be announced later..
Professor Zahirul Hoque (