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LTD Research Seminar – LexArabic

LTD Research Seminar – LexArabic

LexArabic: A Receptive Vocabulary Size Test to Estimate Arabic ProficiencySpeaker: Dr. Alaa Alzahrani, Guest Speaker

43rd LCRL Research Webinar

43rd LCRL Research Webinar

The Language and Communication Research Lab (LCRL) at the College of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University, cordially invites you to its research webinar.Talk 1:Will the Future Enforce the Past?...

Managing a PSU Writing Course (Workshop)

Managing a PSU Writing Course (Workshop)

This workshop provides practical strategies for managing writing courses with a focus on streamlining classwork, delivering meaningful feedback, and grading efficiently. Participants will explore ways to incorporate technology into their...

Utilizing AI in Enhancing Students’ Skills in Translation, Translated Arabic Short Stories as an Example

Utilizing AI in Enhancing Students’ Skills in Translation, Translated Arabic Short Stories as an Example

Prof. Hadeer Abdelnagah is a professor of English and Translation at PSU, Riyadh, and Director of the Translation and Cultural Studies Program. She has taught courses on Translation Theory, Higher...