Mahara Program
The Community Service Committee has prepared and conducted a special program for law students males and females, from inside and outside the university. This enriching program (Mahara) aims at improving and polishing students' practical skills as legal professionals.
Seven Legal Skills Program
- Effective communication
- This course focuses on providing you with the most important skills that a legal specialist must master. It makes you aware of how to talk to your client, skilled in dealing with your opponent's lawyer, and adept in talking to the judge and his assistants. Also, this course will equip you with the skills of dealing with your office clients, providing them with the best services, meeting their expectations, and looking forwards to win more distinguished clients.
- Expected outputs:
- Knowing how to communicate with customers in the required and professional manner, and write messages and achievement reports.
- Knowing the most important skills that need to be taken into account when talking to the judge, the judge's assistants, the opponent's lawyer, clients, etc.
- Written communication
- This course provides you with the skills of writing a statement of claim, official letters in a creative way, minutes of meetings, and internal memos.
- Analysis and Research Methods
- This course enables you to understand the legislator's intention of the legal text. Also, to be proficient in deconstructing the legal text into elements and understanding its content, and how to determine the true description of the facts.
- These skills make you brilliant in solving problems, answering legal inquiries facing your development and advancement in your work field, according to the latest approved academic methods and means.
- Technology Use in Legal Field
- This skill will enable you to accomplish your tasks with higher efficiency, and impressive results, as reaching excellence in the legal filed requires being up to date in the legal technology, and knowing the best ways to use it.
- Optimal Use of Pleading and Procedure Systems (Law of Pleadings and Procedure)
- Pleading system is one of the most important systems that a lawyer must master, and this skill sheds light on the most important texts of these systems. Also, it gives you the necessary skills in using these texts during pleading, to ensure the best results that your clients aspire.
- Optimal Use of Procedure Systems (Law of Procedure)
- Procedure system is one of the most important systems that a lawyer must master, and this skill highlights the most important texts in these systems. In addition, it equips you with the necessary skills in using these texts during pleadings, to ensure the best results that your clients look for.
- Time Management
- Distinguished lawyers are faced with many tasks, which necessitate them to manage their time appropriately. Therefore, this interesting and important skill will help you to identify the best means used by them to do so, especially in the era of information technology and social media. Also, it will help you to learn about the practices carried out by successful lawyers in this field.
Mahara I
This program in its first version dealt with the four key skills conducted by distinguished faculty members as follows:
- The skills of registering electronic services"Statement of claim - request for execution", presented by Dr. Elham Saleh
- Introduction to Intellectual Property and legal skills, presented by: Dr. Christiane Bou Khater and Ms.Nora Crimly
- Skills in dealing with personal status issues, conducted by: Dr.Manal Al Kasabi
- Legislative drafting skills, Presente by Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Aid
The program was for almost a week, from 25-29 October 2020. Students showed great interaction and positive input from different regions of the Kingdom and abroad as there were more than 800 registered and about 500 attendees who finished the course.
This program is part of a series of training programs and workshops offered by the Community Service Committee and other committees, in line with the vision of the College of law at Prince Sultan University in providing quality awareness-raising services to all segments of society.
Electronic Services Registration Skills Newspaper Lawsuit – Implementation Request
First Session
The Trainer presented Six main Skills; the legal person invokes them whenever using Electronic Services for Ministry of Justice through the Najiz Portal, which is related to its definition of the mechanism of opening an account in Najiz Portal, skill of presenting lawsuit sheet, skill of classifying public lawsuits ( Jurists – Traffic – Personal status – Execution disputes ), skill of submitting an execution request, skill of classifying execution requests ( Financial execution – Personal status execution – Direct execution ), skill of inquiring about lawsuits and execution requests through the private dashboard.
The attendees were such interactive and workshop was successful & informative.

Know your trainer:

Elham Jihad Saleh, PHD
Assistant Professor of Commercial Law
Elham Saleh, is an Assistant Professor at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia – Riyadh. Elham has got her PHD degree 2019 in Private Law(Commercial Law), from Egypt – Cairo, Ain Shams University, Elham has special research interests in the field of Commercial Law, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Companies, International Trade and Islamic Finance.
Elham has worked at Princess Norah University – Riyadh, before shifting to work at the College of Law at Prince Sultan University – Riyadh
Introduction to Intellectual Property and legal skills
Second Session
The second session of our “Mahara” program offered by the Community Service Committee of the College of Law, titled: Introduction to Intellectual Property & legal Skills
In the presence of 60 law students from various Universities. The presentation was successful in enriching future law students on the importance of Intellectual property and the needed legal skills. Participants were asked to look around of any IP component that is commonly seen as a service or a product.
The outcome of the lecture was positive in which the students learned that Intellectual Property is an essential area of law and obtaining needed legal skills that assists in college and career success.

Know your trainers:

Dr. Christiane Bou Khater, PHD
Assistant Professor
Dr. Christiane Bou Khater is in charge of teaching the Intellectual Property Course at the College of Law of Prince Sultan University since 2011 and was in charge of the Master program of Commercial Law for two consecutive years. She has a PhD in Law (Nantes University, France) specialized in Intellectual Property Rights.
She taught and/or researched in various universities and research centers in Lebanon, Jordan, Bahrain, Dubai, USA (Chicago), Canada (Toronto) and Paris.
Prior to joining Prince Sultan University she was the regional executive director of one of the biggest intellectual property law firms in the GCC, TAGLegal, running more than 32 offices all over the world.

Ms. Nora Crimly
Ms.Nora Crimly , is a Lecturer at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia – Riyadh. Ms.Nora has got her LLM degree 2019 focused on IP and internet law From Pennsylvania State University, from Pennsylvania – University park.
Experienced Law instructor with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Worked previously as a Teaching assistant at Prince Sultan Univeristy.
Skills of dealing with personal status issues
Third Session
The trainer presented 10 main skills that a legal practitioner brings back when dealing with personal status issues, when it comes to his/ her own knowledge, dealing with rules & systems plus team work .
The attendees were such interactive and workshop was successful & informative.

Know your trainer
Manal Alkasabi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Manal Alkasabi is an Assistant Professor at Prince Sultan University Saudi Arabia , Riyadh . Manal has finished her PHD degree from King Saud University in 2016 in Fundamentals Of Jurisprudence ( Fiqh ) . Manal has special research interests in the domain of Family Law , Jurisprudence rules, purposes of shareah ,inheritances, wills, and endowments.
Dr. Manal has worked at Princess Norah University before moving to work at College of Law at PSU .
The needed skills for legal drafting
Fourth Session
The last session of “Mahara” program offered by the Community Service Committee of the College of Law. Presented by: Dr. Abdulaziz Aleid on the 29th of October from7 pm-8.30pm in the presence of nearly 200 of professionals and students.
The presentation was successful in shedding lights on the law-making process under Saudi legal system and guiding the audience to understand how laws and regulations are made in Saudi legal system. Dr.Abdulaziz also has involved in discussion with the audience about the needed skills for law-making process. Finally, the audience were given exercises that enabling them to evaluate their skills in drafting laws and regulations. Dr. Abdualziz was asked by the audience to give other workshop in this topic for further development in this area due to the heavy demanded in the market for people who have such skill!

Know your trainer:
Dr. Abdulaziz Al Eid
Is an academic with a PhD in Law from Leeds University in the United Kingdom, and also works as a legal director in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in addition to his work as a consultant in a number of entities in the private and public sector.
Mahara II
This program in its second version dealt with the four key skills conducted by distinguished faculty members as follows:
- The skills of registering electronic services "Asuit sheet - request for execution", Dr. Elham Jihad
- IRAC legal writing skills, Dr. Misbah Saboohi
- Skills in dealing with personal status issues, conducted by: Dr.Manal Al Kasabi
- The Skill of Writing a Rejoinder, Ms. Rafeef Al-Dharrab
The program was for a week, from 22-26 November 2020. Students showed great interaction and positive input from different regions of the kingdom and abroad as there were more than 900 registered, and about 728 attendees who finished the course.
This program is part of a series of training programs and workshops offered by the Community Service Committee and other committees, in line with the vision of the Faculty of Law of Prince Sultan University in providing quality awareness-raising services to all segments of society.
Electronic Services Registration Skills Newspaper Lawsuit – Implementation Request
First Session
The Trainer presented Six main Skills; the legal person invokes them whenever using Electronic Services for Ministry of Justice through the Najiz Portal, which is related to its definition of the mechanism of opening an account in Najiz Portal, skill of presenting lawsuit sheet, skill of classifying public lawsuits ( Jurists – Traffic – Personal status – Execution disputes ), skill of submitting an execution request, skill of classifying execution requests ( Financial execution – Personal status execution – Direct execution ), skill of inquiring about lawsuits and execution requests through the private dashboard.
The attendees were such interactive and workshop was successful & informative.

Know your trainer:

Elham Jihad Saleh, PHD
Assistant Professor of Commercial Law
Elham Saleh, is an Assistant Professor at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia – Riyadh. Elham has got her PHD degree 2019 in Private Law(Commercial Law), from Egypt – Cairo, Ain Shams University, Elham has special research interests in the field of Commercial Law, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Companies, International Trade and Islamic Finance.
Elham has worked at Princess Norah University – Riyadh, before shifting to work at the College of Law at Prince Sultan University – Riyadh
What is IRAC legal writing in Law profession
Second Session
The workshop addressed students of law and new practicing lawyers. It trained the attendees about drafting skills required for all lawyers. It helped them to learn IRAC methodology. It introduced the attendees on how to write a brief, pleadings/memos for any legal document.
Know your trainers:
Ms. Misbah Saboohi
Ms. Misbah Saboohi is a law graduate from Pakistan and UK. she specializes in international commercial law and diplomacy law. She has worked as lawyer in Clifford chance and walker law firm. She also taught Law in Pakistan, Malaysia and now in Saudi Arabia. As lawyer she practiced in civil law cases of arbitration and contracts. She has been on Pakistan supreme court Law commission for research. She is in the Kingdom since 2008.
Skills of dealing with personal status issues
Third Session
The trainer presented 10 main skills that a legal practitioner brings back when dealing with personal status issues, when it comes to his/ her own knowledge, dealing with rules & systems plus team work .
The attendees were so interactive and the workshop was successful & informative.

Know your trainer
Manal Alkasabi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Manal Alkasabi is an Assistant Professor at Prince Sultan University Saudi Arabia , Riyadh . Manal has finished her PHD degree from King Saud University in 2016 in Fundamentals Of Jurisprudence ( Fiqh ) . Manal has special research interests in the domain of Family Law , Jurisprudence rules, purposes of shareah ,inheritances, wills, and endowments.
Dr. Manal has worked at Princess Norah University before moving to work at College of Law at PSU .
The Skill of Writing a Rejoinder
Fourth Session
The trainer explained how a rejoinder has principles and rules that we must be aware of. A writer of the rejoinder must have the basic skills required for writing a convincing rejoinder, which is based on proper scientific methods and unique legal styles. Therefore, the objective of the workshop was to develop students' skills in writing a rejoinder.

Know your trainer:
Ms. Rafeef Al-Dharrab
Ms.Rafeef is a lecturer at Prince Sultan University Saudi Arabia – Riyadh. Ms. Rafeef has got her master’s degree in International Business Law from the Unites States – American University- Washington DC 2014.
Ms.Rafeef has been teaching in the college of Law since 2015 until now. Ms.Rafeef teaches both joiner and senior students on various law courses such as legal writing, administrative law, judicial system and pleadings. Ms. Rafeef has special research interests in the field of Commercial Law.
Mahara III
First Session
General Goal
Identify and equip the participants with the skills of an outstanding professional lawyer
- The participant adopts professional professionalism in his/her professional practices
- Identify the six aspects of the basic skills for professional legal profession
- Acquiring methods of building basic skills in professionalism
Community Service Committee, Leenh Shakr Alshehri (Student)

The workshop discussed the important skills of a professional lawyer such as stating the role of the lawyer, duties and responsibilities, and the most important principles that he/she must adhere to. Then it shed light on the important skills a lawyer must acquire to become professional in his/her profession: time management, communication skill, teamwork, knowledge and organization. The workshop also explained how to develop these skills.
Know your Speaker:
Dr. Zubaida AbdelHadi Ahmed
Dr. Zbida Atim has a PhD in Private law and is an Assistant professor at College of law, PSU. She is also a Licensed Lawyer and a member at the Sudan Bar Association. Dr. Zbida published many books and researchers in the GCC Region, Some of which are:
- Bankruptcy and the implications of being verdicted by it under the Saudi Commercial law and some Arabic legislation.
- Brief on Maritime law.
- International Commerce law and Saudi Commercial law, (Comparison study).
- Saudi Aviation law under international law agreements.
Second Session
General Goal
Raise awareness of law students about the importance to work in accordance to rules and regulations and how to develop their professional ethics
- Inform the audience about the importance of working under ethical standards.
- Develop interpersonal skills.
- Specify the problems caused by the absence of professional ethics in work.
- Define the employees’ rights in official workplaces
- How to acquire the good manners that make us pleasant
Community Service Committee
The workshop explained the following elements:
- Professional ethics
- The importance of professional ethics
- Sources of professional ethics
- The obstacles in applying professional ethics
- Legal restrictions on professions.

Know your Speaker:
Dr. Taisseer Osman
Dr. Taiseer a PhD in Fundamentals of jurisprudence from the college of Islamic Law in Omdurman Islamic University. She authorized many advocacy and cultural programs. Dr. Taiseer joined the College of law at PSU as faculty member since 2014. She is a certified trainer from the Technical and Vocational training Corporation and have attended and presented many scientific, Islamic and legal courses.
Third Session
General Goal
The workshop aims to develop law students skills.
- Remind the students of the importance of skills development
- Inform the students of steps to acquire new skill
- Enable students to apply learned skills on their academic majors and practical life.
- Inform students of local institutions that teaches skills
Community Service Committee

The workshop explained the following:
- What is a skill?
- The pillars of a skill.
- Characteristics of a skill.
- How to acquire a skill.
- Forms of skills a law students needs in their academic and practical life.
- Where can I learn skills?
Know your Speaker:
Dr. Abdulqader alkhateeb
Dr. Abdulkadir Al-Khateeb, is the Professor of the Fundamentals of Jurisprudence at Prince sultan university, College of law , and the director of scholarships at Prince Sultan University. He participated in many national and international conferences and symposiums. The speaker has also recently won the Prince Naif Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud’s Prize for the Prophets Sunnah and Contemporary Islamic Studies in its tenth session, year 2020, under the topic (volunteer work in Islam)