نبارك لعمادة القبول والتسجيل وعمادة شؤون الطلاب والمكتبة المركزية بجامعة الأمير سلطان الحصول على شهادة الايزو لنظام ادارة الجودة ISO9001:2015 والذي كان ضمن جهود عمادة التطوير وضمان الجودة في تأهيل...
READ MORESDG 14: Life Below Water
Healthy oceans and seas are very important to our healthy life and a healthy environment.
Although this aquatic space is covering 70 percent of our planet, humankind is damaging these precious resources of water, food, and energy by polluting them. It is the responsibility of every one of us to protect all marine life around the world.
The academic institutions and academia can play an important role in raising awareness and conducting campaigns to stop harming the aquatic space. The research should target reducing the pollution and restoring the ecosystem by reducing ocean acidification and this is done through cooperation at all levels. Joint efforts should be put to reduce and to regulate overfishing. The University should encourage scientific research, knowledge, and technology to protect oceans and seas health.
The implementation of sea law and the introduction of the sea law in the law curricula will help tremendously to raise awareness among the younger generation to be conscious of the bad effects on our lives in an unhealthy ecosystem.
Healthy oceans, clean water, and preserved aquatic resources are essential to living better and to stay healthy.

14.2 Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education
The University through its colleges and programs provide understanding and information on supporting aquatic ecosystems. The programs provide courses, from its disciplines, that speaks about environmental impacts of their field of work to the students.
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14.3 - Supporting aquatic ecosystems through action
The University supports research on climate change and activities to promote sustainable environment.
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