SDG 1: No Poverty

In general, is well known that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were designed to achieve a more sustainable future for the entire world population. These SDGs address the global challenges that we live day by day, among which are including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. It is worth noting that the 17 SDGs are all linked, and is expected to attain all them until 2030.

Currently, Prince Sultan University (PSU) aligned its strategy, internal policies, and governance to embrace and implement the SDGs and already is contributing to the development of No Poverty GOAL 1: No Poverty. PSU in correspondence to the policies of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to eradicate poverty is twofold; within its borders and beyond them. These efforts stem from a sense of moral and humane responsibility and manifest in the Kingdom’s humanitarian assistance to the world developing nations, the ones most often stricken with poverty, as well as to international organizations battling poverty. Internally, the Kingdom strives to lighten the economic load on Saudi citizens and providing financial assistance to low- and mid-income families, in addition to supporting charity organizations, housing projects, and increasing allowances for widows and orphans.

Saudi Arabia initiatives and projects to stop Poverty:

PSU is collaborating with Charity Committee for Orphans Care to provide quality educations to orphans.


1.2 - Proportion of students receiving financial aid to attend university because of poverty

1.2 - Proportion of students receiving financial aid to attend university because of poverty

The proportion of the students were so attractive who got a scholarship based on low-income. Usually, they cannot Offord his expenses the PSU will help them out throughout the degree completion.

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1.2.1 Students receiving financial aid

Number of students got scholarship 1485
Number of students got partial Scholarship (Low-Income) 1434

The proportion of the students were so attractive who got a scholarship based on low-income. Usually, they cannot Offord his expenses the PSU will help them out throughout the degree completion.

1.4 - Community anti-poverty programmes

1.4 - Community anti-poverty programmes

In local start-ups of business/ entrepreneurship, PSU will provide financial assistance to its students.

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1.4.2 Local start-up financial assistance

In local start-ups of business/ entrepreneurship, PSU will provide financial assistance to its students.

CSCEC partnered with Elite UK and Monsha’at to provide small and medium enterprises with skills and tools by PSU faculty members from the College of Business who customized the Elite modules to provide Monsha'at "Small or Medium Enterprises General Authority" (SMEs) with the most relevant information possible to equip them to grow and succeed in our ever-changing economy which is stated in CSCEC mission and vision.

Monsha'at "Small or Medium Enterprises General Authority" (SMEs) provide job opportunities for the Saudi people and foster economic empowerment for youth and women. They contribute to the growth and diversity of the economy. Also, they are critical to reduce poverty and contribute to rural and regional development. SMEs can significantly increase their contribution to exports (faster than large corporations). Furthermore, they allow the exploration of new areas of innovation and graduate new champions and they enable national entrepreneurs by building a strengthened supply chain and increased competitiveness.

1.4.3 Programs for services access

Goal in action

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ترحب كلية القانون بانضمام الأستاذ عبدالله السعيد، أستاذاً متعاوناً لمقرر قانون العقود لطلبة البكالوريس في جامعة الأمير سلطان.يعمل الأستاذ السعيد شريكاً في شركة ليثم أند واتكنز Latham & Watkins للمحاماة.