The event is hosted by the Translator Club at Prince Sultan University. It covers various topics related to audiovisual translation.Speaker: Dr. Alaa Olwi, Princess Nourah University (PNU)
Events related to SDG 12
The event is hosted by the Translator Club at Prince Sultan University. It covers various topics related to audiovisual translation.Speaker: Dr. Alaa Olwi, Princess Nourah University (PNU)
Sustainability Development Goals (PDS 002 Exhibition)
Principles of Cinematography
How COVID-19 Terminology Was Developed: An Example of Medical Terminology.Dana Awad is an Associate Professor at Prince Sultan University. She holds a Ph.D. with distinction in Language Sciences from Lumière...
Herbal Compounds Thymoquinone and Curcumin Are More Cytotoxic in Oral Cancer Cells Compared to First-Line Anti Cancer Drug Carboplatin.Dr. Ishrat Rehman is an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at Princess Nourah...