Al-Motaqadimah school Visit

“In accordance with PSU Strategic Plan Theme 4: Outreach, Marketing, and Partnerships and in alignment with Goal: 1; “Develop and improve PSU community service and continuing education programs and initiatives-Objective: ““To expand community services:” and in accordance with SDGs, this suggestion belongs to: SDG:4 “Quality Education.”

This will meet also the 2030 vision in “PROVIDE THE EDUCATION THAT BUILDS OUR CHILDREN’S FUNDAMENTAL CHARACTERS AND ESTABLISH EMPOWERING HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SYSTEM.” Faculty members of male and female visited Al-Motaqadimah International schools. After meeting with the Coordinator from both sides of male and female sections, we were instructed to Grade 10 and 11 students from American Diploma. At the female side we were divided into 2 groups.

The objectives of our visit are to increase awareness in Financial Literacy among students, and to introduce entrepreneurship skills and develop business model canvas. We started the workshop by giving lectures on “Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship skills “to the students and it was very interactive. There are lots of discussions between the presenter and the students. After the lectures we did interactive games which the students are divided into several groups. We provide each group with 12 sticks of spaghetti and marshmallow. They must build as higher tower as possible by using the spaghetti and marshmallows

The purpose of this game is to show students that in doing business they have limited sources and must use it cleverly without wasting. This game also teaches students in doing business they need all the support system because lack of support system will make their collapse.