Winter Donation for AlNahda Charity

In accordance with PSU Strategic Plan Theme 4: Outreach, Marketing, and Partnerships and in alignment with goal 1: develop and improve PSU community service and continuing education programs and initiatives. Objective 4.1.1: to increase faculty and student involvement in community service events and programs. Action Plan: Support and host events and activities in collaboration with community-based organizations and in accordance with SDGs, this suggestion belongs to: SDG 1: No Poverty This will meet also the 2030 vision in A Vibrant Society.

Serving the community and meet their needs is our main aim at Community Service Unit, therefore and part of this ongoing commitment, we have organized Winter Donation initiation in collaboration with AlNahda Charity. In this initiation, we have limited the donations to one item only which is “new blankets” as advised by AlNahda charity. The initiation was for 10 days, but we extended the community opportunity for our faculty members to the end of November to open the participation for a large number as much as possible. We have received 69 new blankets from faculty and students. These were packaged and attached with PSU logo and sent over to the AlNahda charity through PSU buses transportation.