BSE Lab Conferences & Workshops
1st International Symposium on MENA Economies and Markets
The BSE Lab recently organized an international symposium titled: “1st International Symposium on MENA Economies and Markets” from 4-5th December 2019 which included a key note address by Dr. Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, distinguished Professor of Finance and Goldyne and Irwin Hearsh Chair in Money and Banking, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Earlier this year, the lab had also invited Prof. Marc Fetscherin from Rollins College, USA for guest lectures at the university. The lab is working in close collaboration with the Society for the Study of Emerging Markets with a distinguished professor, Dr. Ali M. Kutan involved.

Prof. Avanidhar Subrahmanyam
Professor of Finance, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)Keynote Speaker, ISMEM 2019

Dr. Ahmed Yamani
Rector, Prince Sultan UniversityHonorary Chair, ISMEM 2019

Prof. Ali M. Kutan
Research Professor, Southern Illinois University EdwardsvilleCo-Chair, ISMEM 2019
"Financial Stability and Sustainable Growth in the MENA Economies and Vision 2030"

Prof. Avanidhar Subrahmanyam
Professor of Finance, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Dr. Hussain Abusaaq
Chief Economist and Head of Research
Mr. Abdullah S. Al-Zamil
Head of Islamic Banking Division, Banque Saudi Fransi, KSA
Prof. Francisco José Bastilda
Universidad de Murcia, SpainModerator

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi SFHEA, FRSA, FAIA(Acad), CMA, CMBE
Prince Sultan UniversityCo-Chair, ISMEM 2019