Bloomberg Financial Lab

The department provides two specialized financial laboratories equipped with the latest devices and equipment necessary to provide advanced lectures and implement some research projects. It is also used to prepare students participating in specialized financial competitions such as CFA research Challenge and Bloomberg Trading challenges.

The lab has all needed software such Microsoft Office, statistical software such as SPSS and STATA. Bloomberg Database is installed in 13 terminals.
Lab Objectives:
- Teaching some finance courses in the lab e.g., Financial Modelling and Securities Valuation and Applied Financial Lab in addition to partial use in teaching for all other finance courses.
- Applying the financial concepts and theories using excel program and other programs.
- Teaching students on the Bloomberg database and tools directly in the financial lab.
- Using the various financial simulation programs available through the Saudi stock market and other global financial markets.
- Competitions and Challenges preparations, CFA research challenges and Bloomberg Trading Challenges are examples.
- The lab gives the students the opportunity to practice any other financial programs may develop in the future.
Lab Location
Location (1): Building 105, A-107 – Main Campus
Location (2): Building 101, Lab E – Women Campus