Student Clubs PSU

Accounting Club
The Accounting Club promotes interest in the accounting profession. The Club affords students social and networking opportunities with other students, professors and accounting industry professionals. Membership is open to accounting and business majors.

Finance Club
The Finance and Economics Club (FEC) serves as a platform for enthusiastic students to come together and learn about the fascinating and fun world of finance by inviting industry leaders and alumni for insight into the latest industrial trends and holding lectures and discussions about the latest happenings around the world

Marketing Club
A club that represents the Marketing Department. It aims to showcase marketing in different forms and more experimental

Between Club
Benefiting from youth energies and talents in their fields to achieve their ambitions in local and international entrepreneurship under a vibrant environment by supporting emerging enterprises and their entrepreneurial owners.

Nubader Club
A club specialized in charity initiatives

Nara Club
A club about social entrepreneurship

Rwad Sultan Club
PSU Podcast Club, interests in aspiring youth and their development to be tomorrow’s leaders

Coop Club
Club related to Coop field for students

Entrepreneur Club
An academic social club that aims to guide university students to develop leadership skills and prepare them for the labor market

Nama Club
NAMA’A (Arabic, noun): Growth and Prosperity Nama’a is a social development club founded by Prince Sultan University students in 2016 after the success of the group’s major event, Art is Generosity. With the aim to continue providing the community with experiences that develop and elevate it

Artificial Intelligent Club
A student club that aims to raise community awareness about the concepts of artificial intelligence

CRS Club
A club interest in all what is related to administrative consultation field

Tuwaiq Club
A club aims to support creative ideas and growing projects

CSC Club
A student club that aims to educate students and develop culture to create a better and successful future

SCE Club
A Club interest in refining students skills and contributes in community development initiatives

Tanassam Art Club
A Club specialized in Arts

Nasaa Club
Charity work must be on the highest level of professionality and creativeness, change its culture to be more maximal and multiple opportunities for every one

Future Vision Club
Future Vision is a social club that supports 2030 vision to human development. The club looks for any help to develop and enhance students skills and experiences. The club organizes events, camps, lectures and workshops related to vision and future.

Youth Club
A club interests in youth development in different fields

Oud Club
A club the provides entertaining services for the community and encourage youth to present their creativity

Math Club
The club aims to provide awareness about the beauty and fun of mathematics. It organizes several activities, workshops, and field trips that enhance students' mathematical skills and logical thinking to help them explore the scientific world around them.

Ecommerce Club
#The Ecommerce Club under the Information System Department is designed to mentor members/ students and enable collaboration between all parties including private, public and government sector related to the e-commerce technology, development and implementation.

Mental Health Club
The Health and Mental Wellbeing Club is a club that promotes mental health awareness and allows its members to give back to the community.

The Data Science Club
The Data Science club was established in the collaboration of the Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) Research Lab in the information Systems Dept. to create the awareness about the importance of Data Science/Data Analytics & prepare the students with high technical abilities and skills which can allow them to perform their roles efficiently and raise their skills in areas of Data Science in order to achieve the best career opportunities and self-professional excellence. Students should be able to deliver technical knowledge to the community. The club aims to develop professional certification programs, training and courses for students.

The Partner Law Club
The Partner(s) Law Club facilitates social and academic interaction among Prince Sultan University Law students who are interested in corporate law, business, entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, and regulation.
Software Engineering Club
The Club will serve as a starting point for SE students who are eager to learn more about the field but not sure where to start from. Its main goal is to inspire interest in the software engineering profession. The club will provide opportunities for its members to be exposed to seminars, conferences, internships, trips and meet SE professionals in the SE community

Intercultural club
The intercultural club At PSU promotes a spirit of intercomprehension, cross cultural dialogue by involving students in a wide-ranging activities and events The Club aims to: promote intercultural awareness and activities engage students in the diverse landscape of the Saudi Arabian Culture collaborate with key institutes and entities of the community for joint activities

EDtech Club
The Ed Tech Club is focused on the adoption of various educational tools in order to enhance PSU students’ learning skills, to facilitate communication between them and help students to collaborate outside the university contact hours. It also provides its members with an assortment of activities, such as guest speakers, Bootcamps, and free tutoring.

Sultan Court Club
The Sultan Court Club is a club based on providing an appropriate environment for male and female law students by offering a periodic moot court competition at Prince Sultan University, working on developing the student’s skills by organizing training workshops that help them refine the legal personality, develop their skills on the practical level, and develop the most important skills, including: Working within a team, the spirit of competition, research, and advocacy.