PSU Institutional Review Board
All studies and experiments conducted in human participants first must obtain Prince Sultan University Institutional Review Board (PSU IRB) approval in order to protect participants' interests.
Royal Decree No. (M / 59) on 14/09/1431 H, was issued approving the law of research ethics on living creatures, which was prepared by the National Committee of Bioethics. It aims to develop general principles and necessary regulations to deal with living creatures, or parts, or there of genetic material in the field of research, in the light of professional ethics and in a manner compatible with the Sharia. It consists of fifteen chapters organized by topics and situations that are governed by the law (
In line with Royal Decree No. (M / 59) [National Committee of Bio Ethics (NCBE), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)], Prince Sultan University Institutional Review Board (PSU IRB) is committed to protecting the rights of human participants in research.
The key objective of the PSU IRB is to comply with the law of research ethics on living creatures, which aims to monitor the implementation of the bioethics research standards, for improvement establish health, preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and psychological aspects with respect for human dignity, justice, and beneficence, and maintaining individuals’ rights, communities as consistent with the Islamic law, traditions and customs of Saudi Arabia.
Review & Decision
The application will be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board and the decision will be given within two weeks from the date of application submission.
- Application will be reviewed by the Chair and all committee members.
- Application can be subjected to pass with modifications referred by the reviewers and the Chair of PSU IRB.
- Application will be reconsidered and will be reviewed by the board after the amendments are addressed.
- If the board declines the project, the applicant can submit a new application with a new or altered project for the relevant committee’s consideration.
Introduction to the PSU IRB
“If your research involves human participants/subjects, you MUST need IRB approval”. This workshop is based on the Introduction of Research Ethics Committee (PSU IRB). This session offers an overview of the Prince Sultan University Institutional Review Board (PSU IRB) including IRB process and any questions. This session also discusses some of the important checklists you need to follow to get it done quickly.
This session was conducted on 8 September 2020.
IRB Committee Members 2023-2024

Prof. Mohammad Nurunnabi
Aide-to-the-President for Ranking and InternationalizationChair

Dr. Samaher Fallatah
Vice-Dean, College of Architecture and DesignCo-Chair

Dr. Safaa A. Eissa
Faculty, Linguistics DepartmentSecretary

Prof. Izani Ibrahim
Faculty, Finance DepartmentMember

Dr. Ahmed Diab
Faculty Accounting DepartmentMember

Dr. Dina El-Dakhs
Linguistics and Translation DepartmentMember

Dr. Eman Sabry
Architectural Engineering DepartmentMember

Dr. Elham Dannoun
General Sciences DepartmentMember

Dr. Sanjida Haque
Center for Sustainability and ClimateMember

Dr. Mohammed Alduaiji
Ministry of Education, Saudi ArabiaMember

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto
Management DepartmentMember

Dr. Ann Sardesai
Accounting DepartmentMember